Sales Representative- (Bukidnon)

Enza Zaden Philippines

Main responsibilities:

Execution of Demand Creation Activities and Promotions – effectively execute planned demand creation and promotions activities in the assigned sales areas Channel Sales Support – provide support to the Sales Manager and Distributors in ensuring product availability, visibility and movement in the channels within the assigned sales areas Build strong relationships with specific industry stakeholders – build and develop strong relationships with stakeholders, specifically growers (Big Land Owners and small holder growers), cooperatives, traders, buyers, financiers, agents, local government units (Municipal and Provincial Agriculturists) etc. in the assigned sales area. Product Development Support – provide support to the Technical Manager in the establishment, monitoring and data gathering of Multi-Location Trials and 2nd screening Trials (whenever necessary)

Other responsibilities:

Market Intelligence Gathering and Reporting – regular and periodic communication of gathered market intelligence from industry stakeholders  Reporting and other responsibilities as may be directed by the Sales Manager

Brief description of responsibilities and tasks:

  • Execution of Demand Creation Activities and Promotions
  • Conduct Planned Demand Creation Activities, Promotions and Campaigns in the assigned sales areas – Field Days, Stakeholders Meetings, Channel Merchandising and other related activities
  • Establishment and management of Field Demos – strategic demo site and grower selection, ensuring proper agronomic practices are being followed, regular monitoring of demo status and maximum utilization of demo locations.

  • Channel Sales Support
    • Visit dealers and other seed shops/channels and monitor product availability and visibility and ensure fast product movement in coordination with the sales manager and distributor sales teams.
    • Provide support to the Sales Manager in implementing channel promotions

  • Build strong relationships with specific industry stakeholders
    • Regular visit and connection with growers (Big Land Owners and small holder growers), cooperatives, traders, buyers, financiers, agents, local government units (Municipal and Provincial Agriculturists)
    • Build necessary partnerships and cooperation with the mentioned stakeholders
    • Properly address stakeholder’s feedbacks, concerns and issues related to Enza Zaden products and activities

  • Product Development Support
    • Site and grower identification for MLT’s and 2nd screening trials in coordination with the Technical Manager
    • Establishment, monitoring and accurate data gathering of planned trials in the assigned sales area
    • Timely feedbacking and updating on the status of trials to the Technical Manager

  • Market Intelligence Gathering and Reporting
    • Gather relevant and important information of industry and market updates from the ground level – cropping seasons status, competitor products, prices, promotions and activities, farm gate prices, government programs and activities, etc.
    • Timely and regular communication of gathered information